How do I verify my game files?

Verifying your game files can occasionally remedy issues you may face in-game. Below, you will find guidelines on how to verify your files for Dead by Daylight on both Steam and Epic Games Store.


  1. Right-click on Dead by Daylight in your Steam Library.
  2. Click on "Properties...".
  3. Click on "Local Files" from the options on the left of the pop-up window.
  4. Click on "Verify integrity of game files...".
  5. Steam will begin to verify your Dead by Daylight files - this process may take several minutes.


Epic Games Store:

  1. Click on "Library".
  2. Click on the "..." below Dead by Daylight in your Library.
  3. Click on "Verify".
  4. The Epic Games Store will begin to verify your Dead by Daylight files - this process may take several minutes.

Microsoft Store:

  1. Open the Xbox app for Windows.
  2. In My Library, select Dead by Daylight.
  3. Select the More options () button and choose Manage.
  4. Select Files and then Verify and repair.
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